Flow 102
Under Construction: Check back soon
Due to ongoing changes to Fn core, parts of this tutorial
may not function as described. Check back for updates.
This tutorial is based on Matthew Gilliard’s “Flow 102” blog post.
If you haven’t read Flow 101 yet, we recommend you to start there to understand what Flow is, what it’s used for and how it works.
In this tutorial we will go through how to build a more complex Flow with parallelism and asynchronous chaining. We will assume you have set up the services as described in the Flow 101.
The demo Flow
An app which:
- reads some text
- greps for a given keyword
- counts the matching lines
- prints the count
- prints the file header
In your shell, it might look something like:
⇒ cat my_file | grep -i love | wc -l | xargs -n1 echo result:
⇒ head -n10 my_file
Before you begin
As you make your way through this tutorial, look out for this icon
. Whenever you see it, it’s time for you to perform an action.
Installing helper functions
One of the cool things about Fn is that because it’s based on Docker, functions can be written in any language - even Bash!
Clone this repo of simple Bash functions and deploy them all:
git clone https://github.com/mjg123/fnproject-text-functions.git
Change directory:
cd fnproject-text-functions
Deploy them all:
fn deploy --local --all
You can test all of these individually, for example:
curl -H "Word: bar" -d $' foo \n bar \n baz' http://localhost:8080/r/flow102/grep
The output looks something like the following:
Creating our Flow function
Run the following command to create a new directory called word-flow
fn init --runtime=java word-flow cd word-flow
Flow has a comprehensive test framework, but lets concentrate on playing with the code for the time being:
rm -rf src/test ## yolo, again
And, make HelloFunction.java
look like this:
package com.example.fn;
import com.fnproject.fn.api.flow.Flow;
import com.fnproject.fn.api.flow.FlowFuture;
import com.fnproject.fn.api.flow.Flows;
import com.fnproject.fn.api.flow.HttpResponse;
import static com.fnproject.fn.api.Headers.emptyHeaders;
import static com.fnproject.fn.api.flow.HttpMethod.POST;
public class HelloFunction {
public String handleRequest(String input) {
Flow flow = Flows.currentFlow();
// Get the first ten lines of the file
FlowFuture<byte[]> headText = flow.invokeFunction( "./head", POST,
emptyHeaders().withHeader("LINES", "10"), input.getBytes() )
// Grep for "love"
FlowFuture<byte[]> wordCountResult =
flow.invokeFunction( "./grep", POST,
emptyHeaders().withHeader("WORD", "love"),
// and count the hits
.thenCompose( grepResponse ->
flow.invokeFunction("./linecount", POST,
grepResponse ))
return "Number of times I found 'love': " + new String(wordCountResult.get()) + "\n" +
"The first ten lines are: \n" + new String(headText.get());
It’s worth reading this code carefully, remembering that anything returning a FlowFuture
object is an asynchronous call, which can be chained with thenApply
, thenCompose
and the other Flow API methods.
We’ll want some test data:
curl http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1524/1524-0.txt > hamlet.txt
Set the FLOWSERVER_IP environment variable:
FLOWSERVER_IP=$(docker inspect --type container -f '' flowserver)
Configure the app with the location of the completer:
fn config app flow102 COMPLETER_BASE_URL "http://$FLOWSERVER_IP:8081"
Deploy the function:
fn deploy --app flow102 --local
And… send in the Shakespeare:
curl --data-binary @hamlet.txt http://localhost:8080/r/flow102/word-flow
The output looks something like the following:
Number of times I found 'love': 76
The first ten lines are:
...etc etc...
Visualising the Flow
Check the UI on http://localhost:3002 and you should see something like this:
As you could see from the code above, the head
and grep
are executed in parallel, the linecount
has to wait for the grep
, and the main
has to wait till everything else is finished.
Learn more
Go to the next tutorial FlowSaga. FlowSaga is a more complex Flow tutorial where you will develop a ployglot travel booking application using Fn Flow.